Wednesday, September 24, 2008

pictures from the freedom tunnels

Today I went with some buddies to these Amtrak tunnels that start on 116th and Riverside park and go all the way to 70th. These were where the mole people from the movie "Dark Days" lived. The place used to be abandoned but is now in use--we snagged a time lapse shot as the Amtrak passed us. Tomorrow I leave for Minneapolis--what a trip! Once I leave NYC, I'm sure I'll be able to reflect on it and give you guys some super awesome insight.

these pictures are by Ryan Hale, whose website is

All your comments are really appreciated,and If I haven't gotten back to you yet I'm working on it. Hugs and Kisses, j-smoke

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude, your friend's photos are tight! And your commentary/experiences are giving me several more reasons for why I will eventually spend much time in nyc. you/your trip are the bong!
