Friday, August 29, 2008

Florida: Deep in the heart of Babylon...

Holy shit Florida is DIFFERENT. I've only been here in New Smyrna Beach for two days and it is a whole different reality. Cheap strip malls, muggy weather, and filthy trailers. We can hate on how podunk Portland feels at times, but it's a megalopolis compared to this place.

Anyhoo, this new perspective makes me stoked on how much the west (best) coast has going for us. I mean, being a teenager out here, the rebellious thing to do seems to be to listen to Insane Clown Posse and have children in your 20's. Jobs are hard to come by, all the houses/malls look the same, there's nowhere to skate!

I got to meet three cousins, an uncle and a grandmother in law. My littlest cousin just turned three, and my dad decided to open a college savings account because he is totally awesome. Then he had too much birthday cake at her party and ralphed all over himself because he is totally awesome. I've got big shoes to fill...with puke.

I saw my cousin WIN a rock band competition at the Om Bar and Chill Lounge last was pretty brutalepic. Actually it was four people pressed up really close against a tiny TV trying to play Rush and Metallica songs.

Tomorrow I fly to New York with pops...I hope we're not eating barf sandwiches on the plane.



KBoogie said...

Dude Bro,

I agree that it is pretty easy to get caught up in Portland hating when you never leave. Getting out of town always makes me a little more appreciative. However, it seems like being a rebellious teenager in Oregon can mean the same thing as it does in Florida, according to your description.
Johnathan's wedding was sweet, and I am sorry you missed it. I brought all the kegs, thinking the leftover beer could go to the party. Unfortunately, no one else brought drinks, and the beer got finished. Needless to say, Kyle was kinda pissed. I know it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't help feeling guilty. I gotta figure out a way to make it up to him. Anyway, the wedding was very short, and kind of like a formal party/picknik. Tommy did the vows, which was very funny, and then it was over.
Also, Kyle's friend Shawn is gonna sublet Meghan's room for the next few weeks, which is nice. he and Jusepie and Kyle were all kicking it when I left on Friday - what a crew!
Anyways, I miss you already. Say Hi to molly for me. and barf on your dad.


raridan said...

I don't have anything insightful to say about your post...I just wanted to textually appreciate your title image that looks to come from "Holy Mountain"...

mattn said...

Hey Jordan, it's nice to hear from you, but I don't appreciate you telling all of our friends that your blog is "tighter" than mine. Okay? And whatever, your blog has like, two posts on it. Lame... When are you gonna tell us about your time in the big tasty apple? Are you chillin with your dad yet? Also, congratulations about finally coming out about your never-nudiness.