Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Biking with 13 year olds

On Saturday I took the most bitchin' bike ride to the Marin Headlands with four young-uns from the Bike Kitchen youth program. The youth were hella stoked and had never biked over the bridge before. We rode up the hill to the left of the bridge and then down this dirt trail into Rodeo Valley, and then back to the Bike Kitchen.

The whole time I was really feeling how pumped up these youth were, and how rad it was that me and my Bike Kitchen cohorts were doing this trip all volunteer status. It was so quasi-official: We had rules, permission slips, sunscreen, first aid; at the same time, we had no bullshit program stuff to deal with, and the kids both looked up to us as teacher types as well as friends. Totally posi saturday--in the words of Good Clean Fun: "Everyone had fun and no one got hurt!"

Who knows if these young people will even remember this ride, or what the fuck they will get into as they grow up. At least for now it feels good to be providing a positive space for some young people to hang out and create adventures for themselves.

I wonder what other kinds of cutty shit we can do with these kids?

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