Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Phew! holy shit I have been hella busy in Colorado the last week. The deputy field organizer job is cool, because we are just getting paid for what we did already. basically we get up, knock on hella doors, make phone calls until 9 pm, enter pages of data from the door knocks and the phone calls into the computer, make maps for the next days door knocking, and go to bed. I kinda dig this busy lifestyle, and the people on the campaign are pretty fun to hang with. Some canvassing highlights from my and Kevin's exploits include:

*Bite/Hump combo attack on my leg from the tiniest terrier I've ever seen,
*Meeting an 88 year old woman who called Sarah Palin a "slut,"
*Being told that Barack Obama fits the description of the antichrist in the book of revelations,
*being informed that everything Barack Obama says is "straight out of the Communist Manifesto,"
*meeting a woman who won't vote for Obama until he makes public his birth certificate and health records, and,
*"How does Barack Obama feel about getting pets spayed and neutered?"

I also got to speak on a radio show at the University of Northern Colorado with a very DJ who stated: "Hey man, do blaze? Cause I blaze and I'm totally down to blaze with you...I've got a digital vaporizer and I'd totally smoke you out." The show was relaly fun but was only broadcast in the dorms at UNC, which is probably a good ting: after I finished takling about Obama's economic policy, and trying to sound hella profesh, he commented:

"yo dog, this shit is mad crazy. So you heard my man Jordan: vote! get off your ass and prosper. Word."

He told me to "unwind" with him after the campaign, and hopefully that will mean celebrating on November 5th. I find myself having a lot invested in this campaign as I go door to door and talk to all these people in Colorado who are genuinely undecided about who they're going to vote for. One of my field organizers found it ridiculous that the fate of the free world may be literally decided by these people who aren't sure if Obama is a Muslim or not, but for me its just a continual huge wake-up call. Look at how everyone else lives! Portland and San Francisco are such bubbles, we are so fucking different from places like Greeley. What a great gift our prosperity has delivered us.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna try and catch some shut eye, I wish I could disseminate my thoughts in a more detailed way but there isn't enough time or energy to sound like anything but a stuck up, west coast, tax and spend and take guns away from people liberal.

from the lions mouth,
-j baxter smoke

Saturday, October 11, 2008

going underground.

duders, sorry this hasn't been too exciting of late, but i've been working crazy hours on this campaign. its much more nuts than i originally thought but i really dig it.

i just got hired as a deputy field organizer which essentially means i will be working more--i am now required by my job to knock on at least 100 doors (that was called a low estimate by my trainer) and call hella volunteers every day 7 days a week.

i am now entering the mystic realm of 20 hour days until the election. there is something like 540 hours until november 4th. i am going underground and will be incommunicado, excepting urgent housing situations and such.

please vote and you can call battleground states from your house on we will win or lose by a few thousand votes.

what a trip.

j baxter smoke

Sunday, October 5, 2008

On the campaign trail...and the NY times!

Check out a video on the NY Times website about where I'm at in Colorado.

Also peep to see updated polls and electoral maps and see why Bumfuck Colorado is the actually very important to the future of this fucking country.

In other news, I have no time to post anything because we're pulling 14 hour days 7 days a week.
